Insight | Oct 24, 2021

Acquia Engage 2021 Finalist: Go Green, or Go Home
By Elana Lavine
We are thrilled to announce that our redesign of has been an Acquia Engage Award Finalist for Leader of the Pack in Education.
When our projects receive recognition from award shows, we feel honored, thrilled, and ready to celebrate. But when we receive an acknowledgment from a distinguished organization within our field, we think not only all of the above but also that we accomplished a remarkable personal achievement for our client and the TAG project team. A metaphorical silent nod of approval, letting you know the hard work, diligence, goals, and grit is paying off.
This year, the Acquia Engage Awards had a record-breaking number of submissions, spanning many industries and parts of the globe, making being recognized as a finalist for the Dartmouth homepage redesign an incredible accomplishment.
The criteria to be a Leader of the Pack means the work went above and beyond to defy difficult circumstances and adapt to change. A digital transformation was embraced to produce world-class customer experiences while being evaluated and excelling in the defined categories of; advanced functionality, efficiency, scale, and performance.
To reimagine the digital homepage of an iconic college took a collaborative effort. From conducting a site audit and digital strategy exploration to interviewing stakeholders for feedback, we came forth with findings that pinpointed the challenges and then the solutions of what users needed, wanted, and didn’t even know they desired from the site.
We began to create the story for prospective students, faculty, staff, alumni, news, media, family, friends, and community by starting with the end goal in mind.
From there, our strategy and design worked hand-in-hand.
To learn more about the process, execution, and statistical results, check out our Dartmouth Case Study.
We couldn’t have done this without our amazing client team, including Justin Anderson, Diana Lawrence, Susan Boutwell, Amy Bucci, and Jon Chiappa.Thank you so much for working with TAG and for all of your hard work and collaboration throughout the project.
Thinking about redesigning your higher education website? Reach out to us – we would love to hear from you.
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Contacting Third and Grove may cause awesomeness. Side effects include a website too good to ignore. Proceed at your own risk.